Happy World Creativity and Innovation Day
This World Creativity and Innovation Day, Umbrella Training would like to raise awareness of the importance #creativity and #innovation play in #further #education with #apprenticeships, #career #development and #job creation.
We believe creativity is great for grabbing attention, enhancing engagement and interaction across our whole business, from our learning materials to our marketing and events.
☂️ Visit out website: https://www.umbrellatraining.co.uk
We use multiple, creative social media platforms, such as YouTube, Tik Tok and Instagram Live to engage with our learners and business partners. At events, we use themes from the virtual and augmented world like our virtual hotel and have a well-played and popular 8-bit game that has been developed to enrich and entice apprenticeship recruitment.
👾 Play our game: https://gamejolt.com/games/levelup/685641
How far can you go? Tweet out your high score!
Play our “LEVEL UP” with apprenticeship game!
Our approach using creative techniques with our learners has proven trends that help to build knowledge, develop skills and inevitably connect learning to the real world. Creativity provides new ways of looking at things and opportunities for problem-solving. Our apprentices are highly motivated and as a result, their engagement with their employer is high. By using a variety of methods and multi-media elements in our teaching materials to complement the experiences of our learners, including blogs, videos and Kahoot for quizzes, these all help with our goal to provide outstanding educational tools and skills to a generation of new learners.
VR Hotel - The Ritz
Happy #CreativityandInnovationDay!
💜 Follow us on our socials to keep up to date on our LIVE talks, events and more!