How To Build A Passionate Team Of Hotel Staff

Passion is the cornerstone of exceptional hospitality. It's the spark that ignites dedication, fosters creativity, and drives employees to go above and beyond for guests. However, passion cannot be mandated; it must be nurtured.

Here's how to increase passion within your hotel staff:

1. Lead by Example

As a leader, your actions speak louder than words. Demonstrating genuine enthusiasm and dedication to your work sets the tone for the entire team. Whether it's greeting guests with a warm smile or tackling challenges with optimism. As part of National Apprenticeship Week 2024, we asked current hospitality apprentices what’s the best advice they’ve been given, and they said; being yourself, what you put in is what you get out and always being a team player.

All of these are so important to inspiring those around you! To watch the full video click here.

2. Empower and Listen

Encourage open communication and create an environment where every team member feels valued and heard. Actively seek out and listen to their ideas about improving the hotel or customer experience, concerns, and feedback. When employees know that their opinions matter, they're more likely to feel invested in their work and passionate about delivering exceptional service.

3. Celebrate Successes

Recognise and celebrate both individual and team achievements. Whether it's exceeding hotel guest expectations, receiving positive feedback, or achieving performance targets, take the time to acknowledge and commend your team's efforts. Celebrating successes not only boosts morale but also reinforces the passion and dedication that drive exceptional hospitality.

Umbrella Training hosts the Purple Umbrella Awards, which highlight the outstanding achievements of people in the hospitality industry. Read about our past achievement events here.

4. Encourage Collaboration

Create opportunities for staff from different departments to collaborate on projects or initiatives. Whether it's planning a special event, implementing a new guest experience initiative, or addressing operational challenges, encourage teamwork and collaboration across departments. By working together towards common goals, employees gain insight into each other's responsibilities and learn to appreciate the value of collaboration in delivering exceptional guest experiences.

5. Foster a Learning Culture

Invest in continuous training and development opportunities for your staff. Whether it's workshops, seminars, or online courses, provide resources that enable employees to enhance their skills and knowledge. By fostering a culture of lifelong learning, you empower your team to stay engaged, motivated, and passionate about their roles in the ever-evolving hospitality industry. A brilliant way to invest in training is through apprenticeships, in which hospitality has many great standards to choose from.

Umbrella Training apprenticeships equip hotel staff with cross-functional skills, allowing them to seamlessly adapt to various roles within the establishment. Discover what is so great about Umbrella Training’s apprenticeships.

Leveraging Apprenticeships for Long-Term Passion

Apprenticeships offer a valuable pathway for individuals to gain practical experience and formal qualifications while contributing to the success of your hotel. By investing in apprenticeship programs, you not only attract motivated talent but also foster a culture of learning and development within your team.

1. Structured Learning Opportunities

Partner with a training provider like Umbrella Training, to offer structured training programs tailored to the needs of your hotel. Whether it's apprenticeships in culinary arts, hospitality management, or guest services, provide apprentices with hands-on experience and formal qualifications that equip them for success in their chosen field.

2. Mentorship and Support

Assign experienced mentors to hotel staff to provide guidance, support, and feedback throughout their learning journey. Pairing apprentices with seasoned professionals not only accelerates their skill development but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and collaboration within your team. Encourage mentors to share their knowledge and expertise, provide constructive feedback, and serve as positive role models for apprentices as they progress in their careers. As mentioned in our recipe for success blog, manager support is the backbone of apprenticeship success.

3. Career Progression Pathways

Outline clear pathways for career progression and advancement within your hotel. Whether it's opportunities for promotion, specialisation, or cross-departmental mobility, provide apprentices with a clear roadmap for advancing their careers within your organisation. By demonstrating a commitment to investing in the long-term growth and development of your employees, you attract ambitious individuals who are eager to contribute to the success of your establishment and grow with the company.

Read our blog on how an apprenticeship can propel the career of your apprentice.

Building a passionate team of hotel staff is a multifaceted endeavour that requires dedication, creativity, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By encouraging a culture of passion, embracing training schemes and leveraging the potential of apprenticeships, you can cultivate a team that excels in delivering exceptional guest experiences.

Need to know more?

If you’d like more advice about training your hotel staff, please get in touch with our friendly team at Umbrella Training.

Kaye Sedgwick-Jones - Creative Lead

Kaye Sedgwick-Jones has years of leadership and teaching/mentoring experience in design, visual communication, education, and apprenticeships. Kaye has a strong belief in educational opportunities for everyone.


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