FAQ Zak Bentaleb CHA - Director of Careers and Talent FAQ Zak Bentaleb CHA - Director of Careers and Talent

How much does a hospitality apprentice get paid?

As of 2023, a hospitality apprentice will get paid £5.28 per hour if they are under 19, or are in the first year of their apprenticeship. Otherwise, you will get at least minimum wage and work an average of 37 hours a week - including time spent learning!

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FAQ Zak Bentaleb CHA - Director of Careers and Talent FAQ Zak Bentaleb CHA - Director of Careers and Talent

What are the best hospitality apprenticeship interview tips?

If you’ve decided apprenticeships are the right next step for you - you’re obviously going to want to know the best way to apply! If you know exactly where you want to work, the best step is to head straight to the employer's website and apply.

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FAQ Zak Bentaleb CHA - Director of Careers and Talent FAQ Zak Bentaleb CHA - Director of Careers and Talent

Who can do a hospitality apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are great for individuals who know what career they want or someone who's already on the job but wants to upskill. Whether you've got your eyes set on a specific career or you're already in the game and want to level up, apprenticeships are your golden ticket.

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FAQ Zak Bentaleb CHA - Director of Careers and Talent FAQ Zak Bentaleb CHA - Director of Careers and Talent

What is an apprenticeship?

Hi, future trailblazer! If you're ready to step into the world of opportunities and growth, let's talk about apprenticeships. Perhaps not the typical educational route that your teachers have been pushing, but they're a fantastic way to mix work and learning. Giving you a head start in your career journey.

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FAQ Zak Bentaleb CHA - Director of Careers and Talent FAQ Zak Bentaleb CHA - Director of Careers and Talent

The Complete Guide: Applying for a TOTUM Apprentice Card

As an apprentice, you are taking the first steps towards your dream career while gaining valuable experience. Along with the numerous benefits of being an apprentice, one exciting advantage is the TOTUM Apprentice card.

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FAQ Kaye Sedgwick-Jones - Creative Lead FAQ Kaye Sedgwick-Jones - Creative Lead

UK Emergency Alerts: How to Stay Safe

A nationwide test of the UK’s emergency alert service will take place at 3pm on Sunday 23 April. The alerts will warn you if there’s a danger to life nearby, such as flooding or fires.

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Functional Skills Maths and English, FAQ Jack Wickenden Functional Skills Maths and English, FAQ Jack Wickenden

Functional Skills - Frequently Asked Questions

When starting out with an apprenticeship, you may be required to complete one or more functional skills qualifications in order to finish your apprenticeship. but what exactly are functional skills? We asked our resident expert Philip to walk us through some of the key information, and answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

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FAQ Jack Wickenden FAQ Jack Wickenden

Understanding Apprenticeship Levels

When you’re looking at starting an apprenticeship it is important to understand what all the different levels mean and which one is the best point for you to get started.

Today we’re going to break down the apprenticeship levels, what they mean, what requirements you may need before starting different apprenticeships, and what other qualifications an Apprenticeship Level compares to.

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FAQ Kaye Sedgwick-Jones - Creative Lead FAQ Kaye Sedgwick-Jones - Creative Lead

University vs Apprenticeships - Which is best for you?

Deciding what to do when you leave school or college can be tough. Do you go to university and get a degree or choose an apprenticeship and get to earn while you learn? Let’s explore which route could be best for you with Kaye from Umbrella Training.

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FAQ Jenni Clarke - Commercial Director FAQ Jenni Clarke - Commercial Director

Best Hospitality Apprenticeships for 16-year-olds

It seems like a long time ago now that I sat anxiously completing and then waiting for my GCSE results. There seemed to be so much pressure about ensuring I got the highest grade possible before automatically assuming I would make my way to college and academic further education, because that was the only route that seemed available to me then.

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FAQ Jo Simovic FAQ Jo Simovic

The Magic of Mentoring

Mentoring is a vital ingredient to building the next generation of leaders.

Our hospitality superheroes are essential to supporting our apprentices and sharing their wisdom and experience.

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FAQ Jo Simovic FAQ Jo Simovic

The Apprenticeship Levy – the growth of skills and capability

“What is the apprenticeship levy?” is a question I’ve been asked more times than I can recall.

Put simply, it’s a tax paid to the government to ensure apprenticeship learning, development and training within your business. Since the levy was introduced, over 313,000 people have started an apprenticeship.

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FAQ Kaye Sedgwick-Jones - Creative Lead FAQ Kaye Sedgwick-Jones - Creative Lead

How to find an apprenticeship

One of the biggest decisions to make when leaving school is deciding what you want to do next.

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