Health and Wellbeing Kaye Sedgwick-Jones - Creative Lead Health and Wellbeing Kaye Sedgwick-Jones - Creative Lead

Breathe - 60 Seconds of Meditation

How many times have you caught yourself saying I don’t have time to stop, especially while at work?

No matter how busy you are you can always find time to take a 1 minute for yourself, even if it is while waiting for the kettle to boil for a cup of tea/coffee.

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Health and Wellbeing Jo Simovic Health and Wellbeing Jo Simovic

How Umbrella Training monitor the wellbeing of their learners

Our commitment to welfare is clear even before an apprentice starts their leanring journey. During the skills and eligibility interview we ask specific questions around wellbeing and mental health, to encourage the new applicants to share openly their stress levels, workload worries, anxiety or any other difficulty they might be going through.

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