Umbrella Awarded with a Medway Business Award 2018

On Friday 16 November, Umbrella Training received a Medway Business Award for Embracing Change.

The Medway business community has grown phenomenally since these awards were launched 34 years ago. They were aimed at giving the area back some of the self-esteem lost at the closure of the naval dockyard and other manufacturing industries.Today the awards are a celebration of what regeneration means.

The Embracing Change Award is a pinnacle of 5 years of hard work. We were so proud to be announced winners in this particular category.

Umbrella Training was founded in 2012 and our vision from the very beginning was to embrace the change in the Apprenticeship sector. We have been at the forefront of this change by acting as a change agent for the hospitality industry in the UK.

We will continue to challenge the status quo and embrace change. Watch out for our next project - Skills Medway!

The biggest shout goes to our amazing team - they are the real reason why we can embrace change so easily and why we can proudly say that we are Change Champions!


Umbrella shortlisted for Training Provider of The Year


Employer access to Recruit an apprentice