Umbrella Training are Positive About Mental Health

Umbrella Training are delighted to have signed up to be a Mindful Employer as we are positive about mental health.  Umbrella Training join 75 other Charter signatories have now signed up for MINDFUL EMPLOYER Plus. Over 7,000 people will be able to access this new aspect of the initiative which was launched in April.MINDFUL EMPLOYER Plus is available exclusively to organisations who are a signatory to the Charter for Employers who are Positive About Mental Health and provides:

  • A 24/7 independent and completely confidential Staff Helpline offering support for whatever life presents. Whether it’s to do with work, relationships, health & wellbeing, debt, legal problems… from workplace challenges to personal difficulties, support is just a phone call away. Calls will be answered by a highly experienced advisor who can provide support and guidance on any challenges that may be faced, whether personal or work-related.

  • An independent and completely confidential Managerial Adviceline for anyone in any kind of managerial or supervisory role. Available from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week, the Adviceline is staffed by advisors with expert training in human behavior and relationships, and with management experience. The service provides support for managers with challenges and problems within their teams such as conflicts at work, work-related stress, team issues or behavioral issues.

You can sign up now by clicking this link


Charity of the Year


Paying employer National Insurance contributions for apprentices under 25