Jane Sunley - 2020’s Silver Linings Playbook


Jane Sunley

Hospitality Superhero

This #WednesdayWisdom, we have the wonderful Hospitality Superhero Jane Sunley, Founder & CEO of Purple Cubed talk about the main silver linings that have came out of 2020 and should be continued into 2021.


2020’s silver linings playbook – my top 5 positives to continue in 2021.

Aside from Snoop Dogg taking tacos to the chateau in his genius Just Eat ad, 2020 has produced other silver linings.

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Here are my top five:

  1. If ever there was a boot camp to end all boot camps, it was the one we’ve all just had in resilience and coping with change – take the learnings and build.

  2. The newfound creativity of people who had time to think – plan in thinking time in 2021.

  3. Despite the downsides, for many this, had been a time to physically rest, regroup, and recover – remember the importance of relaxing, recharging, and enjoying some ‘me-time’.

  4. Many have taken the opportunity to acquire a new skill or take on a new challenge and it felt good – there’s no reason not to keep this up.

  5. People have also taken the opportunity to volunteer and support others in other ways– this really needs to continue in 2021, as does kindness to all.

- Jane Sunley

2nd December 2020


Press Announcement


Finale of our 2020 Superheroes Series