The Best Places to Work in Hospitality 2019

It’s time to reveal The Caterer’s 30 Best Places to Work in Hospitality 2019, run in partnership with Purple Cubed and sponsored by Umbrella Training. These are employers who recognise and nurture their people and thereby create a healthy, thriving business. Rosalind Mullen rounds up the contenders

Five years ago, The Caterer and people retention specialist Purple Cubed joined forces to find and showcase the 30 Best Places to Work in Hospitality. This annual celebration of employment best practice in companies large and small, stablished or entrepreneurial, never fails to be inspirational, and this year it is better than ever, with 53% of staff saying they would recommend their company as a best place to work – up 5% on last year. Brexit fever, skills shortages and other factors mean it is particularly crucial that employers strive to attract and retain staff through providing good working conditions and engagement strategies. The good news is that many operators are doing it brilliantly.

This year’s people engagement survey shows the industry’s engagement score has increased by 4%, with the average being 81%. What’s significant is that the list is not drawn up by managers or operators. The companies featured  in the following pages have been recommended by the majority of their staff, who filled out an anonymous survey compiled by Purple Cubed. This survey rates the performance of their employer in a number of categories, with “being part of a team that respects each other”, “respect for work-life balance”, “positive working environment”, “working as a team to produce results”, “being paid on time” and “communication” emerging as the top six concerns for staff. While the top 30 spans independents and groups across the hotel, restaurant, pub and foodservice sectors, they all share an understanding of how to treat their staff to get the best out of them.

They recognise the needs and ambitions of the individual and exceed the minimum requirements of an employer by introducing initiatives ranging from team-building socials to flexible working and tangible rewards. Most importantly, people are given the tools to progress in their careers.What follows are the five shortlisted employers who are vying for a Catey award, followed by the rest of the 30 Best Places to Work in Hospitality in the UK. We asked them to share a glimpse of one or two of their favourite initiatives that might inspire others.

Umbrella Training

Umbrella Training is an Elite Hospitality Apprenticeship provider, which offers more than 100 years’ hospitality experience, work-based learning and tailored assessment for your organisation. We aim to provide the highest quality training and development and, in turn, create a world-class workforce. We want to serve and support communities who want to thrive in the hospitality sector. As the experts, we understand how important it is for employers to maximise return on investment while implementing new and exciting apprenticeship programmes. So we work collaboratively with our learner and employer partners to deliver quality and consistent training to our apprentices.

When you join us, you #ComeUnderOurUmbrella. Using our wealth of knowledge, and our involvement in the apprenticeship reforms, we’ll support you through every stage of your apprenticeship journey to ensure you get results. Nine out of 10 learners achieve lifelong learning, sustainable employment and complete their apprenticeship. We look forward to working with you #ComeUnderOurUmbrella

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