Umbrella Training is one of 39 UK businesses to receive an excellence in training Award commended by HRH The Princess Royal


Princess Royal applauded those applicants who are creating amazing ideas through apprenticeships.

2020 winners demonstrated exceptional commitment to training, learning and development, despite facing unprecedented challenges of Covid-19.

Princess Royal also said that success of economy depends on Umbrella Training and other recipients of the PRTA sharing best practice.

She mentioned that this was a rigorous assessment in difficult times and after reading all the reports each is worthy of recognition and deserves to be celebrated.


Founder and Chief Executive of Umbrella Training

"We are incredibly proud of this achievement.

The recognition is important as it celebrates the hard work that our team have put into their own professional development and personal growth, as well as the lengths they go to in order to deliver meaningful apprenticeships for our learners and business partners."


The Princess Royal Training Awards recognise employers across the United Kingdom who deliver outstanding training and development programmes that have had a direct impact on their people and organisations.

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Jacob Matthews, one of Umbrella Training’s Learning Consultant’s who attended the virtual celebration states why this Award means so much to the Umbrella Team:

“Winning this award has helped strengthen our position as a mindful and meaningful leading training provider. 2020 has been a greatly challenging year, but one that everyone at Umbrella Training has risen to. We moved from our face-to-face delivery approach to an entirely online training system in just a few days. This allowed us to support and train our apprentices throughout the Lockdown and beyond.

We really care about our learners, their futures and and the development of our internal teams. Our Umbrella Colleague Academy ensures longevity in our provision and transition into supporting our apprentices in a post Covid-19 world.

The academy offers a broad range of learning and development tools helping us to develop skills and knowledge about apprenticeships and the wider sector, in addition to the latest teaching and marketing techniques.

The whole team had to adapt to a new way of working, supporting apprentices who work in sectors badly affected by COVID-19. As a learning consultant, I am proud to celebrate what we have achieved! 

This is a massive motivator and a chance to show the industry that with proper dedication and commitment, we can achieve our vision.”


“This year organisations have faced challenges like no other but we have continued to receive high quality applications showing the value that employers are still placing on training their employees. We know that a highly skilled workforce is essential as we start to rebuild our economy post Covid-19, and in increasingly uncertain times making sure we invest in our employees has never been more important.” 

“Whilst our celebration event of these 39 organisations, this year, is different – we are really pleased to bring them together virtually to recognise their commitment to learning and development.”

Kirstie Donnelly MBE, Chief Executive of the City & Guilds Group

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  • HRH The Princess Royal, President of City & Guilds Group, recognises organisations whose training has delivered measurable business impact 

  • 39 businesses celebrated at a virtual ceremony for their innovative training programmes in the Princess Royal Training Award’s fifth year

  • Despite the challenges of Covid, recipients from a wealth of sectors including health and social care, manufacturing, retail and technology all proved the value of investing in L&D to address a wide range of business needs


End of year reflection - 2020


Rishi Sunak - Apprenticeships